Storage Units Make Great Living Spaces

Storage units in San Diego

Repurposing sturdy cargo containers to many other uses has become very popular for many people and for many reasons. One of the most popular reasons is because repurposing is eco-friendly. The price is also astonishingly affordable. Also on the short list of reasons for container conversion, is these have a striking twenty-first century look. And if you’re looking for the perfect off-grid solution, you won’t find an alternative that is more sustainable and self-sufficient.

Coronado Mobile Storage units in San Diego has conversion solutions for your personal, business, and professionalhabitation needs.

Storage Unit Conversions are Eco-Friendly

The Foundation for Economic Education is a supporter of economic friendly uses of cargo containers. They estimate there are 33 million containers worldwide and that half are sitting empty. Every repurposed container eliminates the need to manufacture more than 7,000 pounds of new steel.

Whether it’s a country cabin, your own home, a home gym, or your work office, if you want to minimize your carbon footprint, you’ve come to the right place. The tiny house movement began in the 2000s and has grown exponentially ever since. Today eco-friendly tiny homes are featured on HGTV and other home improvement shows. Whether it’s social media, your local newspaper, or the TV news, frequent discussions of this planet friendly alternative lifestyle have become a socially responsible topic. Coronado Mobile Storage shares in this belief.

Fast and Creative Construction

Beginning as a humble cargo container, this building foundation provides incredible flexibility for crafting into anything you can imagine. You can immediately stack them or place them side-by-side because each one comes in a uniform size. Cutting away internal walls is quick and easy to create a living space customized to your needs and creativity. Doors and windows are also easy cutouts rather than building a new wall from the foundation up.

When you combine multiple blocks, you’ll first need a foundation. Then the entire ground floor of your living space is typically in place within a single day. A typical stick built home consumes wood from newly cut down trees and requires six months or longer to construct. By going with Coronado Mobile Storage units in San Diego, you can expect your home or alternative living space to be finished in a fraction of that time without cutting down a small forest.

If you need or prefer the unit to be prefabricated, your comfortable, environmentally friendly, and small-scale living space is move in ready. A singlefinished 8 X 40container can be delivered onsite.

You won’t be handed the keys to a newly built home any faster!

For further information or for a free quote, please visit or contact CMS at 619.423.8645 with any questions.

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